[VIDEO] Feeling stressed? It doesn’t have to be that way!

How many times have you found yourself in a stressful situation, only to make it worse through a poor decision or mistake?
It'll help you feel better to know that everyone does this, and it's completely normal.
Daniel Levitin, an American cognitive psychologist, neuroscientist, writer and musician, discusses in the video below how stress affects our brains and impedes our decision-making ability.
In times of crisis, we are programmed to survive. That means our bodies shut down in most systems, except for the ones needed to go, go, go. Unfortunately, this also shuts down our rational and logical-thinking skills. Our minds become clouded, and we lose our ability to see things clearly.
This explains why when we are stressed or in a time of turmoil, we often act rashly--and more often--wrongly.
The solution? Plan ahead. Anticipate your own mistakes and observe how you react when you're stressed. Put systems in place that will counteract your own detrimental actions.
What's your game plan? Watch the video below to watch his full explanation on overcoming stress through anticipating and counteracting it!