[VIDEO] Conscious Capitalism is hope for the future

Business has long been seen as a lifeless game, a competition. Businesses have long been trying to beat each other out, to get the numbers, to get power of the market shares.
But in modern times, a new type of business is emerging: Conscious capitalism.
Raj Sisodia is the founder of Conscious Capitalism, and a consultant and was a professor for many years prior. In this video below, Raj gives an overview of what conscious capitalism is, and how it gives hope for the future.
"A business should be as human as the people who work there," he argues. Business, he believes, has become too cold, too inhuman over time. Employers have lost sight of thinking of their employees as real people, and likewise their customers too.
Raj asks leaders to think about what their duty is not only to their business, but to the world. Business is not just a game, but a live organism that affects people. Too often, business is boiled down to numbers and data, which is far from what business really is.
Raj asks business leaders to remember how they affect people in their lives when making choices for their company. Only then are we implementing the ideas of Conscious Capitalism and giving hope to the future.
Catch Raj live at the next ScaleUp Summit in San Antonio this May!