[VIDEO] From hunch to breakthrough million-dollar idea

They come in the middle of night. They come while you're frantically racing through an airport. They come in the middle of a jog around the neighborhood.
A hunch is simply a vague idea that something could be great. They've been human nature from the prehistoric era--times when the Romans were building the Coliseum, when scientists were revolutionizing medical practices in the renaissance, up to the development of machines and technology in the last century.
What we don't realize many of the greatest inventions over history have in common is that they all started with one simple hunch. The idea that some idea would be a breakthrough million-dollar idea.
In this short video illustrating Steven Johnson's theory of how hunches become ideas, we learn how the process becomes reality. Steven Johnson is an entrepreneur, journalist and author of multiple best-selling books in the field of popular science.
In this clip, learn how it's not only a hunch that's necessary to develop a million-dollar idea, but rather a collision of hunches.
Watch the video below to hear the full details! Be sure to check out more about Steven Johnson and watch his full seminar on the Growth Institute platform!