[Video] The world is shifting -- Are you?

Advanced robotics, 3d printing, big data, synthetic biology, artificial intelligence. All things that while increasingly commonplace today, ten years ago were only whispers and ideas.
As these things become more ubiquitous, and technology keeps increasing at an alarmingly fast pace, we have to realize the world is shifting. The question is-- Are you?
Salim Ismail is the Founding Executive Director of Singularity University and lead author of "Exponential Organizations," which addresses this shift from scarcity to abundance in our world today.
In this short clip below, Salim addresses how this huge shift came about so quickly that many companies and leaders are struggling not only to catch up, but be ready for tomorrow. He calls this disparity a "cognitive gap." Young leaders today are creating and producing ideas at a rate that far surpasses the mindset of older generations. This accounts for problems such as the world-ride financial crisis.
The leaders of tomorrow have to learn how to leverage information at a quicker rate, with a new mindset: patterns are no longer linear, but growing exponentially. Make sure you're ready for the shift of tomorrow.
Be sure to check out Salim Ismail's upcoming Master Business Course being offered by Growth Institute. This course will teach you to anticipate and build this global shift into your organization!