[Video] Firing an executive ―The right way


 Firing’s never an easy task, and rarely feels great from either end. When it comes to executives, however, it’s a whole other ballgame.

Ben Horowitz is founder of Andreessen Horowitz and author of  The Hard Thing About Hard ThingsHe specializes in advice on how to build and run a startup.

In the video below, Horowitz approaches the hard challenge of firing an executive. The most important realization? Realizing it was most likely your fault for hiring the wrong person. At the executive level, he says, you aren’t going to find a worker who isn’t competent, diligent or hardworking. If the person is the wrong fit, you didn’t hire the right person for the job you were seeking to fill.

Therefore, it’s extra critical to hire and screen thoroughly to begin with. 

Watch the full video below to get the full info!