Profitability in a High-Tax Industry: The Success Story of Randall Eickhoff

In an ever-changing, high-tax industry where uncertainty is the norm, Acena Consulting, a tax and accounting services firm, has managed to not only survive but thrive. Randall Eickhoff, president and founder of Acena Consulting, specializes in helping businesses reduce their federal and state income taxes through research and development (R&D) tax credits and other specialty deductions. By lowering tax liabilities, Randall’s firm creates opportunities for business owners to reinvest in growth, create new jobs, and improve cash flow.

Beyond R&D tax credits, Acena Consulting assists companies in identifying other tax savings opportunities, including domestic production deductions, cost segregation, energy efficiency studies, and more. Despite the firm’s success, Randall realized that to continue growing, he needed more structure and guidance.

That’s when Randall turned to Growth Institute. Through the Scaling Up program and with the help of a dedicated coach, Randall was able to implement the systems needed to focus on growing the business rather than getting lost in day-to-day operations. The combination of Growth Institute’s structured approach and ongoing coaching has been critical to Acena Consulting's continued success. 

Discover how Growth Institute helped Randall Eickhoff accelerate his company's growth and enhance its tax consulting services.


How did you discover Growth Institute and begin your journey with us?

I can’t recall the exact moment I first encountered Verne Harnish and *Scaling Up*, but it was many years ago. I began reading some materials and watching videos on YouTube, and I was really excited about the approach—it offered a clear formula for taking a company from one level to the next. At the time, I had business partners who weren’t interested in this methodology. Once I bought them out, the first thing I did was join the Masterclass because it had been something I wanted to do for a long time. The split ended up being a good thing, as it gave me the opportunity to dive into creating the right structure to take the company to the next level.

How has your business changed since you joined Growth Institute?

Before joining Growth Institute, the company lacked alignment. Everyone was just coming to work and doing their jobs, but there was no clear vision for growth or consistency in values. After the split, we brought in a new team, and the focus shifted to communication and alignment. One of the biggest changes we made was implementing an alignment survey every week, where everyone on the team rates their communication and alignment with core values. This helps us identify issues early, ensuring we’re all on the same page. Our leadership team meetings have also transformed—while I’m the president, everyone is encouraged to speak up and disagree, creating a more open and productive environment.


What challenges have you faced, and how Growth Institute helped you?

In recent years, changes to how R&D tax credits are accounted for have presented significant challenges. These changes impacted taxable income, raising the tax burden for our clients. Despite this, we’ve seen an unexpected increase in new clients and referrals, even without significant changes to our marketing strategy. I believe this is a result of the processes and strategies we’ve implemented through Scaling Up. The focus on aligning our internal operations and communication has helped us perform better, even in difficult circumstances.


What benefits have you gained from participating in the Scaling Up program?

One of the biggest benefits has been implementing KPIs across the board. In the past, my former partners didn’t believe in tracking anything, but now we have KPIs for everything from project timelines to team alignment. For example, we’ve reduced the time it takes to deliver final reports from six months to 30 days, thanks to clear KPIs and structured processes. The team now has measurable goals to meet, and this sense of urgency has significantly improved our efficiency and performance.


How has your leadership been impacted by joining Growth Institute?

Communication has vastly improved since joining Growth Institute. We now have daily huddles, weekly leadership meetings, and quarterly reviews to keep everyone aligned. Ownership from my leadership team has skyrocketed, with each person taking full responsibility for their areas. I’ve also invested in my team’s development, such as putting my Operations Coordinator through the Topgrading class, which boosted her engagement and performance. The team has truly embraced their roles, and it’s gratifying to see them step up.


How did the content and sessions help you in your implementation process?

The Masterclass was invaluable. I made sure the entire company participated, and it wasn’t a question—it was a must. I wanted everyone to embrace the Scaling Up philosophy, not just me. The class helped get everyone on the same page and understand the “why” behind what we were doing. We also continue to use the library of videos for our monthly meetings to reinforce key concepts. Having a coach has been essential as well. While the class provided the structure, the ongoing coaching has kept us accountable and focused on driving the business forward instead of getting bogged down in day-to-day operations.


What did being part of a community of leaders mean to you?

The online sessions with the coach were great, and they allowed us to build relationships with other participants from the class. Hearing what others were doing was helpful, but having a coach made a more significant impact for me. The relationships we formed in the community helped reinforce the importance of applying the strategies we learned.


Did the ROI justify your decision to enroll in the Scaling Up program?

Absolutely. While there’s a cost associated with the program, the real value is in the time and effort we’ve invested in implementing the strategies. We’ve been taking small, manageable steps through the Scaling Up process, and each one has had a significant impact. The ROI has been more than justified, and we’re enjoying the journey of scaling our company.


How has communication evolved in your company?

We’ve established a structured communication system, starting with daily huddles. We review KPIs, discuss priorities, and address any challenges. Initially, some team members were disengaged, but we quickly addressed that by calling it out and emphasizing the importance of focus during meetings. Now, everyone is more engaged, and the meetings run smoothly, usually within 15 to 20 minutes.


What advice would you offer to those hesitant about joining Growth Institute?

The best advice I can give is to stop trying to do everything on your own—it won’t work. Involve your team, treat them as peers, and make it worth their while, both in terms of personal growth and financial reward. If you combine that with the Scaling Up methodology, and you have the right people in the right seats, you’ll see a significant impact on your business.


What is the next step for your company?

We’ve set ambitious goals for growth, including a 40% revenue increase this year. One key takeaway from the Scaling Up methodology is the importance of managing team size to improve communication. As we grow, we’re planning to create smaller, focused teams that can work together efficiently while maintaining alignment with the larger company. This team-of-teams structure is something unique in our industry, and I’m excited to see if it works. My team loves the idea, and we’re all committed to making it a success.