Empowering Your Team to Think Exponentially

When Kevin Allen came across Salim Ismail’s book Exponential Organizations, he experienced a thrill of excitement. The new, exponential mindset described by Salim chimed with Kevin’s natural tendency towards innovative, non-linear thinking - and Kevin was eager to explore its potential.
As he read on, Kevin discovered a new approach to business organization which empowers leaders to grow their companies in ways they didn’t think were possible, by exploiting new opportunities and the latest technologies.
After conducting his own extensive research online, Kevin formalized his ExO studies by gaining a certification and studying in the Exponential Organization Master Business Course at the Growth Institute. He then became an ExO Ambassador and an ExO Coach.
Today, Kevin is an ExO expert and Chief Ecosystem Officer at the exponential organization, OpenExO. He describes his own personal Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) as “Unlocking Positive Human Potential”.
In this article, Kevin reveals why he considers the Growth Institute’s Exponential Organization Master Business Course as “essential training for the 21st Century.”
Growth through study
Studying the Exponential Organization Master Business Course with the Growth Institute has changed the way Kevin conducts his day-to-day business, challenging him to experiment more.
Kevin said: “Most of the tools and methodologies that you learn about in a course like this are valuable
in day-to-day working.
“The course opened up my mind to the idea of how important experimentation is. On a daily basis I run experiments big and small in everything that I do, so, every single interaction is in some way an experiment; that’s definitely something that I have started using more and more now that I’m really engaged.”
Moving towards new technology
The course has also led Kevin to see technology in a different light.
He said: “The technology narrative in mainstream media is around what technology is doing to jobs and what’s going to happen. People are hearing big buzz words like ‘the 4th industrial revolution’ on a daily basis.
“What you can learn by participating in the course (and what I now practice) is that your mindset is actually shifted by understanding that there are tools that you can use to embrace technology as opposed to being fearful of it.
“It would be so great if city governments would send their municipal managers or really big non-profits to the course because a lot of them are very old-school and I think they waste a lot of resources because they’re not necessarily tapping into new technology.”
Who will benefit from studying
the Exponential Organization Master Business Course?
To Kevin, learning to think exponentially is vital to achieving success in the modern world.
He said: “People shouldn’t look at the course and say ‘ah, this is for fortune 500 companies only’; that’s definitely not the truth.
“I think that any organization - whether it’s a company, a non-profit, a government institution, or just people who want to thrive in the 21st century - needs to understand this methodology, so should do the course.”
His new mindset has given Kevin fresh insight into how business leaders can empower their team to learn by taking a proactive and collective approach.
Kevin said: “If you’re running a company that’s large enough to have a board I would suggest that you as the CEO, as well as one or two influential board members actually do the ExO Master Business Course. In the decision-making arena of your company you need to have people who understand the shift that is happening in terms of technology and what is required to remain relevant.
“Or, if you’re somebody who perhaps attended technology summits and you know the methodology and have read the books, I would say send your senior leadership, send your chief HR officer and your CIO and perhaps someone from marketing, and in that way you’re actually empowering your team.”
The best way to inspire your team to learn
To Kevin, the way in which employees are encouraged to learn new information is crucial, as it has a huge impact on how much knowledge they will absorb.
He said: “I worked in a start-up where the CEO read many books and often said, “I’ve read this excellent book, now everyone needs to read it”.
“If he instead said, “I’ve read this book, now let’s all complete a course on it,” that really empowers the team. And it doesn’t say ‘it’s all in your hands to understand this text completely’.”
Transform Your Business into an Exponential Organization
The Exponential Organization Master Business Course provides you with professional feedback, peer support, accountability and external perspective (we all know how it is hard sometimes to think “outside of the box”) so you can apply the ExO methodology successfully in your organization.
Within the program, you’ll be getting the highly-qualified guidance and support from Salim Ismail, Kent Langley, and ExO Coaches, plus an extremely dynamic and valuable network of leaders from all over the world.
Go here to know more about the course and be notified when the new cohort starts.