How to make jobs not feel like work

Movies, books, and entertainment in general have been alluding to it for decades. In the last few decades, it's become a concrete reality: the takeover of AI and robotics.
Technology is accelerating at a pace that's overtaking jobs faster than people can figure out how to move onto new ones. Which clearly presents a problem. But how do we bridge this gap?
David Lee is an innovation expert who leads the department of Innovation at UPS and has worked for other major names like Bank of America and SunTrust among others.
In this insightful TED Talk on how technology, AI and robotics are changing our world, he points out that the solution to the problem lies with leaders of companies.
While robots are great at performing mundane, repetitive tasks, they lack the creative aspect the human mind naturally has. When human beings are provided with challenges and opportunities to figure out the solutions, they perform better than they could have imagined.
Leaders need to figure out how to make job descriptions beyond "System Analyst III," and other generic titles, which often result in stifling people's creativity and motivation to do great work. They need to provide workplaces that provide robots and humans to work harmoniously.
Robots are made to perform within a box. When people are given the opportunity to perform outside a box, they thrive. When they thrive, they don't even feel like they're doing work. In providing these opportunities, it'll lead to a world where jobs won't feel like work.
Watch the video to get the full scoop!